Sunday, April 24, 2016

Left Hand Glove

One of the largest challenges so far has been duplicating the wiring and functionality of the glove over to the left hand to give me a whole 10 note range.

There are three methods that I found to accomplish this task.

1. Duplicate same wiring on second glove and attach second USB to computer, essentially making the left hand a second, separate, midi controller.

2. Duplicate the wiring on the second glove and use some sort of communication (Serial, I2C, etc) to make the gloves communicate with each other.

3. Duplicate the wiring on the second glove and use a MUX Breakout Board to expand the analog pins to the other hand.

I decided not to pursue option 1 on the basis that I wanted it to function as a single midi controller and I wanted to be able to control both gloves with the use of just 1 board.

I originally tried to pursue option 2 because I had a second Teensy board and thought it might be the best way of making the boards communicate. 
After hours of fidling and trying both I2C and Serial communication I decided this method wouldn't work for what I was trying to do. I needed extreme precision in value recall from the slave glove so that I could assign different values to different controls. This method didn't work because I found there to be significant error in the serial communication between the boards. Also, using a second Teensy board significantly raises the production cost of the glove sets.

I finally decided to go with Option 3 and use a MUX Breakout Board. After getting my board and spending a few hours to test it, it turned out to be extremely accurate and the perfect tool for my purposes.

I assigned each pin to different FSRs and Flex resistors and used the sent values to trigger midi through the single Teensy board on the right hand.

This method seems to work extremely well and has been quite successful.

Below is an image of the left hand with the MUX Breakout and full wiring.

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